[EBB Sightings] Brushy Peak

[EBB Sightings] Brushy Peak

Dennis Braddy
Sat Nov 19 15:44:02 PST 2005
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    This morning Pat and I birded the recently opened Brushy Peak  
    Regional Preserve near Livermore.
    While observing a LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE from the parking lot we noticed a  
    PRAIRIE FALCON above the ridge behind the smaller but equally  
    ferocious predator. There was a SAY'S PHOEBE at the park residence,  
    the first of several. Heading up Brushy Peak Trail we soon flushed  
    the first of many AMERICAN PIPITS.  A few minutes later we spotted a  
    MERLIN sitting on a fence post; we had 3 on the day. Further up the  
    trail Pat got on a COOPER'S HAWK sitting in a cottonwood tree  
    consuming a large rat. It had a metal band on its left leg. (The  
    hawk, not the rat.) As we approached the point where Brushy Peak  
    trail doubles back, we heard the tremolo song of a LESSER NIGHTHAWK  
    coming from the eucalyptus grove on the hillside above us. (Yes, I  
    know it's the wrong place at the wrong time, but that's my story and  
    I'm sticking with it!)
    Because Brushy Peak Regional Preserve is a new birding venue I've  
    included below a complete list of the birds we saw at the park today.  
    This is an area of mostly wide-open spaces with lots of distant  
    raptors. Take your scope. For directions and a map: http:// 
    Yesterday, while riding our bikes out to Las Trampas Regional  
    Wilderness, Pat and I saw an immature FERRUGINOUS HAWK, at first  
    perched and then in flight, halfway between Crow Canyon Rd and the  
    north end of Bollinger Canyon Rd. It looked suspiciously similar to  
    the one that perched across the street from our house last week.
    Dennis and Patricia Braddy
    San Ramon
    In the order seen:
    Brewer's Blackbird
    European Starling
    Common Raven
    Northern Mockingbird
    Loggerhead Shrike
    Prairie Falcon
    Brown-headed Cowbird
    Northern Flicker
    Ring-billed Gull
    Western Scrub-Jay
    Say's Phoebe
    House Sparrow
    Red-winged Blackbird
    American Pipit
    Savannah Sparrow
    Western Meadowlark
    Red-tailed Hawk
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet
    Yellow-rumped Warbler
    White-crowned Sparrow
    Dark-eyed Junco
    Black Phoebe
    Tree/Violet-green Swallow
    Cooper's Hawk
    Hermit Thrush
    Song Sparrow
    Golden-crowned Sparrow
    Nuttall's Woodpecker
    House Finch
    Lesser Nighthawk
    Anna's Hummingbird
    American Kestrel
    Turkey Vulture
    American Robin
    Rock Pigeon

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