[EBB Sightings] Ross' Goose @Lake Merritt

[EBB Sightings] Ross' Goose @Lake Merritt

Travis Hails
Sun Oct 30 11:32:08 PST 2005
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    Yesterday at Lake Merritt, Oakland
    North Shore Wildlife Refuge & Lakeshore Park
    Around 7AM I sighted a Ross' Goose near the boathouse.  This may be the same goose that spent several months last year.  It did not seem to know where to go, and flew several times to different locations, none of which I remember it being reported last year.
    The Peregrin Falcon that has been present for 3 months continues to hunt from 565 Bellevue.  Look for it on a ledge on any side of the building, usually within 3 floors from the top.
    Barrow's Goldeneye have returned.  Also, the scaup are arriving, with 2 Ring-necked Ducks.
    The park has the wintering warblers amongst the local gleaners.  Townsend's, Orange-crowned, Wilson's, and Yellow-rumped (Audubon's) are found in the trees between the lake and Grand Avenue.  Creepers, Titmice, and Chickadees abound.  
    Both Jays, Stellar's and Western Scrub are present, and the "Crowned" sparrows are returning.
    Travis Hails
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