[EBB Sightings] Martinez sightings

[EBB Sightings] Martinez sightings

Bob Power
Tue Oct 25 09:10:06 PDT 2005
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    Hi all:
    Also significantly belated:   I had 3 female-type
    Great-tailed Grackles in the cattails at the entrance
    to waterbird park.  This was a week ago, so they've
    been seen recently and are likely there regularly.
    While not "birdy", the fenceline behind the treeline
    (old olive trees?) above and to the north of the
    parking area for Waterbird Park is always worth
    checking.  A bucketload of yellowrumps could have
    harbored something else, and a lone Lincoln's Sparrow
    was a treat.  If you have a scope, you can scan the
    fenced off pond that David mentions below, w/out fear
    of life and limb, by going to the east edge of the
    trees above the parking area where the two fencelines
    meet. Two Wilson's Snipe were seen foraging in the
    pond from that vantage point.
    All of this, of course begs the question: When will
    Waterbird pond fill again?  Is this going to be a
    natural wet/dry cycle, or will water be pumped in? I
    remember a report some time ago (same time last
    fall?), but I'm sure many of us would appreciate an
    Good birding,
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA 
    --- David Diller wrote:
    > Also (a litttle belatedly) on Saturday,  I  birded
    > Waterfont Road between 5:45 pm and dusk in the
    > vicinity of Pt Edith State Wildlife Area(no access)
    > and the fenced off pond near the dump
    > ( very limited parking best very early am or late
    > outside dump operating hours):
    > Waterbird Reg Park is dry and virtually birdless, no
    > sign of Great-tailed Grackles
    > that used to hang out here

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