[EBB Sightings] Fox sparrow

[EBB Sightings] Fox sparrow

Alan Krakauer
Wed Sep 28 17:30:04 PDT 2005
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    This morning  we had the first fox sparrow of the
    season at our feeder in Richmond View (El Cerrito
    Hills N of El Cerrito).  It was there along with the
    Lincoln's sparrow, Golden crowns and white-crowns.  I
    haven't been keeping track of specific dates, but the
    lincoln's sparrow arrived first maybe 3 weeks ago, and
    the white crowns and golden crowns started showing up
    about a week and a half ago.  The first few days the
    Zonotrichia arrived alone or as 'pairs', but didn't
    stick around until they achieved 'critical mass' a few
    days ago. 
    The fox sparrow was the dark Pacific or Sooty type.
    Nothing else really to report, except the robins seem
    to be getting more active and I'm starting to hear
    more cedar waxwings again...
    good birding,

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