[EBB Sightings] Valle Vista, Moraga

[EBB Sightings] Valle Vista, Moraga

Marilyn Trabert
Mon Sep 12 15:04:01 PDT 2005
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    It was a beautiful morning for birding at the Valle Vista Staging  
    Area.  In a little over two hours seven of us, out for our regular  
    Monday birding, saw 48 species along the King Canyon Loop Trail.
    Highlights included early season Gadwall, American Wigeon, and  
    Northern Shoveler in eclipse plumage; great views of two Lesser  
    Yellowlegs with one Greater Yellowlegs, allowed good comparisons; two  
    White-tailed Kites  gave us quite a show with a beautiful close-up  
    displays of their elegant kiting and hovering; a variety of other  
    raptors, including Red-tailed, Sharp-shinned, Red-shouldered Hawks,  
    American Kestrel, and a Northern Harrier; White-throated Swift;  
    Belted Kingfisher; Brown Creeper; and Townsend's and Wilson's Warblers.
    Take the Orinda exit and follow Moraga Way to where it dead ends at  
    Canyon Road and turn right.  The Valle Vista Staging Area will be on  
    your left.  This is an EBMUD property, and permits are required.
    Marilyn Trabert
    Walnut Creek

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