[EBB Sightings] Frank's Dump: the Gift that keeps on giving

[EBB Sightings] Frank's Dump: the Gift that keeps on giving

Bob Power
Sun Jul 31 11:39:06 PDT 2005
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Dublin Burrowing Owl, Patterson Pass, and Swainson's Hawks
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    Hi all:
    This morning I was joined by my favorite birders from
    the peninsula to see who/what was poking around
    Frank's Dump.
    We started the morning at the parking lot at 7 and had
    a family of Cooper's Hawks entertain us.  As soon as
    we made the turn north along the Bay Trail, we had Red
    Knots and Black-bellied Plovers in the exposed mud
    flats.  At Frank's Dump,
    we had Semi-palmated Plovers, Forster's Terns, one
    Ruddy Turnstone, male Northern Harrier, and special
    guests: 6 Snowy Plovers (nice spotting Curtis!) in the
    center mudflats and 2 Red-necked Phalaropes in the
    water in front of the flats.  
    On the walk back a little bit north of the junction of
    the east-west channel path and the bay trail, we had a
    breeding plumage Wandering Tattler; beautiful gray
    barring from neck to belly.
    A White-tailed Kite, American Kestrel, Red-tailed
    Hawk, and more Cooper's activity back at the parking
    area rounded out the raptor report.
    Abundant:  Peeps (primarily Least Speepers), Godwits,
    Willets, Black-bellied Plovers, Red Knots,
    Short-billed Dowitchers.
    Good birding,
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA 
    "No birds sang the whole time we were up there. I didn't see a thing.  I still dream about that trip though." Ted Parker, Northern Peru. 1978
    From: A Parrot Without A Name. Don Stap. Knopf, 1990
    Bob Power
    Oakland, CA
    Alameda County

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