[EBB Sightings] Patterson Pass Fire damage ?

[EBB Sightings] Patterson Pass Fire damage ?

Richard Cimino
Mon Jul 25 22:30:04 PDT 2005
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    Hi Marilyn
    May I ask that you give a general overview of the condition of Patterson
    Pass road?
    Are the hill sides burnt from last weeks fire?
    >From the air it appear the fire did not reach north to Patterson Pass
    road. (?)
    I was flying home from the ABA Conference in Tucson on Sunday using
    United from LA.
    'So the flight pattern was a straight northerly approach rather than a
    western approach which take you over Patterson Pass.
    P.S. I saw soooooooooooo many Blue Grosbeaks in Arizona I think the
    addiction may be over.
    Well until next spring anyhow!
    Rich Cimino
    -----Original Message-----
    From: sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com
    [mailto:sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com] On Behalf Of Marilyn Trabert
    Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 6:34 PM
    To: sightings(MDAS) Passwd: Axduka
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Swainson's Hawks continue
    Although the Swainson's Hawks haven't been reported on this listserve  
    for about two weeks, this morning, braving 95 degree heat, Gail De  
    Lalla and I drove out to eastern Alameda County/Contra Costa County,  
    hoping they might still be around.   Not only were they there, but we  
    were very pleasantly surprised to find many more than had been  
    previously reported.  Our initial stop was at Lindemann Road where we  
    looked across Byron Rd/Hwy to an irrigated field that yielded about  
    26 hawks, which were competing with about a dozen Great Egrets, half  
    that many Great Blue Herons, and lots of crows. The voles and  
    whatever else really didn't have much of a chance.  We then continued  
    down Lindemann Road to where it meets Herdlyn Road and there,  
    incredibly, were approximately 70 Swainson's Hawks sitting in a green  
    field and soaring above.  Here too where Great Egrets and Great Blue  
    Herons, so if you're looking for the hawks, you might want to keep an  
    eye out for them as they are easier to spot from the car.
    We had a male Western Tanager on Clifton Road, where we stopped to  
    eat lunch in the shade of the only large tree.  Among a variety of  
    other species seen during the morning were White-tailed Kite, Red- 
    tailed Hawk, Loggerhead Shrike, Western Meadowlark, Western Kingbird,  
    Acorn Woodpecker, Northern Mockingbird, etc.  On the way we stopped  
    at MM 6.21 on Patterson Road but did not find Rick Cimino's famous  
    Blue Grosbeak.
    Good birding,
    Marilyn Trabert
    Walnut Creek 
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