[EBB Sightings] awash with painted ladys and a question?

[EBB Sightings] awash with painted ladys and a question?

Tue Jun 07 20:20:06 PDT 2005
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    Frighteningly sudden is my reaction! Went walking through Mira vista field on 
    El Cerrito/Richmond line...in a cotoneaster kazam! I was literally startled 
    by the enormity of the emergence. in my yard as well literally dozens on the 
    buddlea. It was so fabulous witnessing the spring migration and now the 
    children. A few years ago I had planted six Lupinus propinqus (arboreal) in my back 
    yard. At full growth they were maybe six feet across and four to five feet in 
    height. and six of them to boot. Painted lady larva consumed them to the ground 
    in a matter of days!! Well, I planted then as a larval food guess I got what I 
    wanted. Mira vista is a lovely birding spot as well. There is a family of 
    Hooded Orioles nesting locally there. Havent been able to find the nest but the 
    frequent the field foraging. 
    George McRae
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    eld on El Cerrito/Richmond line...in a cotoneaster kazam! I was literally st=
    artled by the enormity of the emergence. in my yard as well literally dozens=
     on the buddlea. It was so fabulous witnessing the spring migration and now=20=
    the children. A few years ago I had planted six Lupinus propinqus (arboreal)=
     in my back yard. At full growth they were maybe six feet across and four to=
     five feet in height. and six of them to boot. Painted lady larva consumed t=
    hem to the ground in a matter of days!! Well, I planted then as a larval foo=
    d guess I got what I wanted. Mira vista is a lovely birding spot as well. Th=
    ere is a family of Hooded Orioles nesting locally there. Havent been able to=
     find the nest but the frequent the field foraging. 

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