[EBB Sightings] Escapees/Passerine in Castro Valley

[EBB Sightings] Escapees/Passerine in Castro Valley

Emily Serkin
Mon Jun 06 12:37:00 PDT 2005
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    Dear Birders,
    I saw a very cute bird yesterday foraging on the lawn of the Willow Park
    Golf Course in Castro Valley and would love to know what it is. 
    Description: It was about the size of a finch but maybe a little plumper,
    had a bright yellow head with a bit of orange on the forehead and chin and
    bright yellow, plain underparts and nape.  Stubby, dark bill. Black eyes.
    Slightly olive back with blurry dark streaks.  Dark wing and tail feathers
    edged in yellow.  Dark feet with yellow feathering visible on the upper part
    of the legs and a blue band around the right leg.
    Location: The golf course is several miles north of 580 on Redwood Rd.
    (There is a Redwood Rd. exit.)  It's on the left (west) not far from where
    the houses end.  Immediately after you enter the grounds, there is a path
    with a barricade in front of it on the right hand side.  The bird was
    between the beginning of the path and the telephone pole that's next to the
    While I'm at it, and in response to the birder-whose name I've unfortunately
    forgotten-who saw a parakeet at the Hayward Shoreline, I saw a Peach-faced
    Lovebird in the Lake Chabot area this winter.  If anyone is interested in
    this species, which has been found in good numbers in the Phoenix area, see
    Good birding,
    Emily Serkin
    Castro Valley
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    font-family:Arial'>Dear Birders,

    style=3D'font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Arial'>I saw a very cute bird yesterday foraging on the lawn = of the Willow Park Golf Course in Castro = Valley and would love to know what it is.

    style=3D'font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Arial'>Description: It was about the size of a finch but = maybe a little plumper, had a bright yellow head with a bit of orange on the = forehead and chin and bright yellow, plain underparts and nape.  Stubby, = dark bill. Black eyes.  Slightly olive back with blurry dark streaks.  = Dark wing and tail feathers edged in yellow.  Dark feet with yellow = feathering visible on the upper part of the legs and a blue band around the right = leg.

    style=3D'font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Arial'>Location: The golf course is several miles north of = 580 on Redwood = Rd. (There is a Redwood = Rd. exit.)  It’s on the left (west) not far from where the houses = end.  Immediately after you enter the grounds, there is a path with a barricade in front = of it on the right hand side.  The bird was between the beginning of the = path and the telephone pole that’s next to the = path.

    style=3D'font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Arial'>While I’m at it, and in response to the = birder—whose name I’ve unfortunately forgotten—who saw a parakeet at the = Hayward Shoreline, I saw a Peach-faced Lovebird in the Lake Chabot area this winter.  If anyone is interested in this species, which = has been found in good numbers in the Phoenix area, see www.maricopaaudubon.org/species_accounts/species_peachface.htm.= style=3D'font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Arial'>Good birding,

    style=3D'font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Arial'>Emily Serkin

    face=3DArial>Castro = Valley

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