[EBB Sightings] White-winged Dove at BRRP

[EBB Sightings] White-winged Dove at BRRP

Dennis Braddy
Mon May 30 13:26:00 PDT 2005
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    A WHITE-WINGED DOVE flushed ahead of me on Red Tail Hawk Trail at 
    Bishop Ranch Regional Preserve (BRRP) this morning. After circling once 
    the dove headed first west and then south until it disappeared behind a 
    distant ridge.
    Also along Red Tail Hawk Trail I scoped 3 singing GRASSHOPPER SPARROWS 
    at least one of which appeared to have attracted a mate. Several LAZULI 
    BUNTING were also singing on territory and one of them chased away 
    trespassing finches. On the spur trail just northwest of the hill with 
    the solar panel (left at the fork) I had 3 male BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAKS 
    in a thistle patch, watched an ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER steal a worm 
    from a WESTERN BLUEBIRD, and almost stumbled over a skunk and its 
    pint-sized young.
    While walking down Stream View Trail and the hikers-only alternate 
    route back to the staging area I had a fly-over RED-SHOULDERED HAWK 
    trailing a snake, 7+ ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLERS, HUTTON'S VIREO, and 
    WARBLING VIREO. I saw one BULLOCK'S ORIOLE from the staging area and 
    another part way up Grayfox Trail.
    Directions and map - http://www.ebparks.org/parks/bishop.htm
    Dennis Braddy
    San Ramon

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