[EBB Sightings] "pest" species

[EBB Sightings] "pest" species

Thu Mar 17 15:33:00 PST 2005
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    Thanx Carla for your additions to the discussion. Especially the thinking 
    about carrying capacity. I think its why so many of (hopefully!) put up nesting 
    and feeding stations in an effort to mitigate somewhat the artificial quality 
    of the planet. I wonder then how much of our observations in our urban world 
    have any scientific validity. I suppose it doesnt matter. I was visiting a 
    friend in her office on the 24 floor of a building on Market street when the 
    Perrigrines bombed by. Ok they live in the skyscrapers as do the redtails of 
    Manhattan. Nevertheless, the thrill is, however non scientific, just as valid. Just 
    as when the cooper hawks of Canyon Trail Park in el Cerrito are nesting and 
    hunting through my back yard. When i step out of my back door and am literally 
    face to face( 4 feet!!!) with one perched on a pedestal of the retaining wall in 
    our back yard.We stare at each other. How much does a Cooper weigh?? It didnt 
    matter as I felt as small as the finches it was taking....
    George McRae
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    ng about carrying capacity. I think its why so many of (hopefully!) put up n=
    esting and feeding stations in an effort to mitigate somewhat the artificial=
     quality of the planet. I wonder then how much of our observations in our ur=
    ban world have any scientific validity. I suppose it doesnt matter. I was vi=
    siting a friend in her office on the 24 floor of a building on Market street=
     when the Perrigrines bombed by. Ok they live in the skyscrapers as do the r=
    edtails of Manhattan. Nevertheless, the thrill is, however non scientific, j=
    ust as valid. Just as when the cooper hawks of Canyon Trail Park in el Cerri=
    to are nesting and hunting through my back yard. When i step out of my back=20=
    door and am literally face to face( 4 feet!!!) with one perched on a pe=
    destal of the retaining wall in our back yard.We stare at each other. How mu=
    ch does a Cooper weigh?? It didnt matter as I felt as small as the finches i=
    t was taking....

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