[EBB Sightings] Sibley Regional Preserve

[EBB Sightings] Sibley Regional Preserve

Judith Dunham
Fri Mar 04 18:34:00 PST 2005
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] More on Sibley Preserve Plans
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    Hi EBBers,
    I've been in touch with Sylvia Sykora about her postings on the 
    proposed "improvements" to Sibley. We both thought that additional info 
    would be welcome if birders want to contact the East Bay Regional Park 
    District to comment on these potential changes to a beloved East Bay 
    birding/wildlife area.
    The April issue of the Golden Gate Audubon Gull newsletter will have a 
    cover story by Conservation Director Arthur Feinstein on the subject. 
    The Gull will be
    online by the end of the month. In the meantime, here are some details.
    The EBRPD land-use plan calls for adding new, adjacent land to Sibley. 
    With this would come the building of a campground to accommodate 300 
    campers; the construction of new roads and the improvement of others; 
    and the addition of new parking lots for new trails. The new facilities 
    and the increased human activities they bring could potentially 
    threaten wildlife such as mountain lions and coyotes that rely on the 
    Caldecott Wildlife Corridor to travel north and south in Contra Costa 
    County. Furthermore, the proposed development goes against a 
    long-standing resource plan that advised against making significant 
    changes to the area--a resource plan in which the EBRPD participated.
    The EBRPD website has minutes from a November 2004 meeting that 
    outlined the new plan. Go to http://www.ebparks.org/district/PAC/ and 
    choose the minutes from 11/22/04.
    You can go to http://www.ebparks.org/district/board.htm and email the 
    board members directly, especially board president Beverly Lane and 
    John Sutter, whose ward includes Sibley.

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