[EBB Sightings] Long-tailed Duck at the Martinez Shoreline

[EBB Sightings] Long-tailed Duck at the Martinez Shoreline

Kay Loughman
Sat Feb 05 08:59:00 PST 2005
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    Both Wendy St. John and I saw it on the morning of Wednesday, February 
    2.  With a low tide, the LTDU along and it's scaup companions were a 
    long way out.  I was able to identify with the help of a scope and a 
    good zoom lens, but wouldn't say we had a satifying look.
    Kay Loughman
    Paul Schorr wrote:
    > Hello,
    > Has anyone seen the Long-tailed Duck at the Martinez Shoreline within the
    > last couple of days?  It was reported by Steve Glover and Hugh Harvey on
    > Tuesday, February 1.  I was there on Friday for about three hours and could
    > not find the bird, and it was not because of a lack of effort!  (-:
    > Thanks for your help.
    > Paul Schorr, Antioch
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