[EBB Sightings] Rose-Breasted Grosbeak in Walnut Creek

[EBB Sightings] Rose-Breasted Grosbeak in Walnut Creek

Laura Gee
Wed Jan 19 11:06:00 PST 2005
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    Hi all,
    We had a most eventful day at our backyard feeders yesterday.  Earlier =
    in the day I again saw the white-throated sparrow seen earlier in the =
    season.  That fellow must be spending the winter here.  He was in a =
    mixed flock of about 20 or so white and gold crowned sparrows.  The =
    other sparrows try to chase him away from the seed spilled on the ground =
    from the hanging feeders, but he doesn't seem to be too intimidated at =
    this point in the season. =20
    Finally I think I had a pine siskin feeding on the nyjer sock feeder =
    with the lesser goldfinches.  I've been so envious of all the other =
    postings of pine siskins.  I wasn't able to really see any yellow on the =
    bird to distinguish it from a female house finch, but it had a quite =
    noticeable light(white?) wingbar.  I neglected to check out the bill, =
    which should supposedly be thinner and longer than that of a house =
    finch.  Next time I see the bird I'll try to check that out.
    However, the piece de resistance (sp?) was a sighting of a male =
    rose-breasted grosbeak.  Imagine my surprise to see it on my feeder!  It =
    came to the feeder again and I was able to capture it on tape with my =
    camcorder. It was a new backyard bird to add to my list, and a lifer for =
    my husband, Mel.  I had seen one in Tennessee about two years ago.  The =
    bird returned again today about 9:15am.
    Other birds which have been visiting my yard for the winter (or =
    migrating south) are ruby-crowned kinglet, Northern flicker, juncos, =
    lesser goldfinches, Nuttal's and downey woodpeckers, black phoebe, =
    white- and gold-crowned sparrows, robins, yellow-rumped warbler, and my =
    first ever sharp-shinned hawk.  We also have a local Cooper's hawk which =
    periodically comes through on a dinner hunting expedition.  Twice we =
    have seen him kill and dine on a mourning dove.
    My house is located in northwest Walnut Creek, west of Buena Vista =
    Avenue and west of the very northern end of Overlook Drive.
    Laura Gee
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    backyard feeders=20
    yesterday.  Earlier in the day I again saw the white-throated =
    sparrow seen=20
    earlier in the season.  That fellow must be spending the winter =
    here. =20
    He was in a mixed flock of about 20 or so white and gold crowned =
    sparrows. =20
    The other sparrows try to chase him away from the seed spilled on the =
    from the hanging feeders, but he doesn't seem to be too intimidated at =
    point in the season.  
    feeding on the=20
    nyjer sock feeder with the lesser goldfinches.  I've been so =
    envious of all=20
    the other postings of pine siskins.  I wasn't able to really see =
    any yellow=20
    on the bird to distinguish it from a female house finch, but it had a =
    noticeable light(white?) wingbar.  I neglected to check out the =
    bill, which=20
    should supposedly be thinner and longer than that of a house =
    finch.  Next=20
    time I see the bird I'll try to check that out.
    was a=20
    sighting of a male rose-breasted grosbeak.  Imagine my surprise to =
    see it=20
    on my feeder!  It came to the feeder again and I was able to =
    capture it on=20
    tape with my camcorder. It was a new backyard bird to add to my list, =
    and a=20
    lifer for my husband, Mel.  I had seen one in Tennessee about two =
    ago.  The bird returned again today about 9:15am.
    yard for=20
    the winter (or migrating south) are ruby-crowned kinglet, Northern =
    juncos, lesser goldfinches, Nuttal's and downey woodpeckers, black =
    white- and gold-crowned sparrows, robins, yellow-rumped warbler, and my =
    ever sharp-shinned hawk.  We also have a local Cooper's hawk which=20
    periodically comes through on a dinner hunting expedition.  Twice =
    we have=20
    seen him kill and dine on a mourning dove.
    Creek, west=20
    of Buena Vista Avenue and west of the very northern end of Overlook =

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