[EBB Sightings] GGA Dry Run to Lake Merritt, Wednesday 12/22

[EBB Sightings] GGA Dry Run to Lake Merritt, Wednesday 12/22

Hilary Powers
Wed Dec 15 09:31:01 PST 2004
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    As part of continuing plans for the new monthly GGA trip to Lake Merritt 
    (which will be announced in the January Gull, Ruth Tobey and I - now 
    joined by Travis Hails - are planning another practice session next 
    Wednesday. Come join us if you can!
    Here's the text of the Gull announcement, which we'll try to follow to 
    see how well it works....
    Meet on the lake side of the nature center on Belleview Avenue at 9:30.
        We'll see who's visiting the nearest island in the bird sanctuary,
    then stroll across the park to the garden area, aiming to reach it at 10
    am when it opens. After checking out the warbler, sparrow, and
    woodpecker action there, we'll return to the lake about 11 or 11:15 -
    when the sun is high enough to avoid blinding us - and walk down toward
    Embarcadero, admiring the array of seasonal visitors to the lake.
        The whole trip will be on smooth paths and lawns, mostly level but 
    with some mild slopes and perhaps a curb or two.
        Take the 12, N, or NL bus to Grand & Perkins and walk into the park 
    on Perkins, or park in the free lot at the boathouse, 568 Belleview. 
     From the parking lot, walk past the children's art center to the far 
    side of the bird yard with the freshwater ponds.
    - Hilary Powers - hilary at powersedit.com - Oakland CA -
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    -      The edit you want, when you want it done.     -

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