[Fwd: [EBB Sightings] Wood Duck on Lake Anza]

[Fwd: [EBB Sightings] Wood Duck on Lake Anza]

Dave Quady
Fri Nov 26 15:43:00 PST 2004
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    Thanks to George's note, I headed down the slope behind my house in hopes of adding a second yard bird in two days (yesterday my
    son's girlfriend spotted -- and identified correctly -- what my binoculars revealed to be a flock of six American White Pelicans
    drifting slowly southward, high overhead).
    >From the edge of my yard I can see most of Lake Anza.  At 3:00 pm today the gorgeous male Wood Duck was still present, swimming
    about the cordoned-off swimming area on the west side of Lake Anza.  A couple of water dogs and their ball-throwing owners had
    perhaps driven it and the more common waterbirds away from the east side of the lake.  In any event, I could also see 3
    Pied-billed Grebes, 2 Double-crested Cormorants, about a dozen Mallards of varying parentages, about 8 Ring-necked Ducks, and a
    pair of Buffleheads, also mostly on the west side of the lake.
    Let's hope the woodie sticks around until December 19!
    Dave Quady
    Berkeley, California
    davequady at att.net
    George Griffeth wrote:
    > I was doing a little scouting this morning in my CBC count area, and there
    > was an adult male Wood Duck feeding with the Mallards on Lake Anza in
    > Tilden Park (Contra Costa).  I don't bird that spot a lot, but have anyway
    > not seen one there before, and I see that it hasn't been recorded in  the
    > CBC in the South Tilden area since at least 1986, so... maybe a very local
    > rarity, or unusuality.
    > George Griffeth
    > _______________________________________________

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