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Hayward Regional Shoreline
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 00:25:43 PST
From: Bob Richmond

I almost forgot about other birds seen Sunday -

Good Birding

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Hermit Warbler at Lake Merritt, Oakland
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 00:28:23 PST
From: Bob Richmond

I received an e-mail from Mike Rodgers that he found a Hermit Warbler while looking for the Black-and-white Warbler, which he did find, at Lake Merritt.


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Snow Bunting and Mountain Bluebird still at San Leandro Marina
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 14:46:59 -0800
From: Dennis and Patricia Braddy


Both the Snow Bunting and the Mountain Bluebird continued at the San Leandro Marina as of 2:00 PM today, 26 January.

Dennis and Patricia Braddy
San Ramon

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Re: Snow Bunting at San Leandro Marina
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 14:50:40 -0800
From: Sheila Junge

The Snow Bunting is apparently a late riser. It was refound this morning around 11:45 AM at par course station 15 at San Leandro Marina (directions). Station 15 is on the outer of the two paved trails.

The bunting spent most of its time feeding in the grass near station 15 just east of the paved trail. It moved briefly to the rip-rap on the bay edge of the trail. The bird is remarkably tolerant of human activity and did not flush when a woman passed about four feet from it.

It's always a treat when a bird is willing to stick around longer than you are. The bunting was feeding along the edge of a dirt trail parallel to and between the two paved trails and slightly north of station 15 when I left around 12:30 PM.

The Mountain Bluebird was also present today when I arrived around 10:45 AM. It was on the golf course a little south of the flood control channel (this is south of the parking lot). There is a pond with cattails surrounded on both sides by a row of low posts connected by cables. The bluebird perched on cables and posts at the north end of the cattails. It, also, was still there when I left.

Good birding,
Sheila Junge
Hayward, CA

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Male Snow Bunting refound at San Leandro Marina
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 15:52:48 -0800
From: Mike Feighner

East Bay Birders, County Birders:

This morning I was detained in Dublin (Alameda County) having my car serviced. That was in one big way a blessing in disguise.

I arrived at the San Leandro Marina at about 11:20 AM seeing Jean Richmond and other birders walking near the parking lot informing me that the Snow Bunting was not seen at all the entire morning since daybreak, but the male Mountain Bluebird is still in the park.

Well, I saw the male Mountain Bluebird without much effort. So, then I proceeded anyway around the par course trail just to see where the Snow Bunting had been seen late in the day on January 25. Here I ran into Helen Green, Kay Loughman, Emilie Strauss, and Sheila Junge checking out all the spots. I left the others at the north end of the par course peninsula and headed back south along the par course. There at 11:44 AM the Snow Bunting was right there in front of me just south of par course #15 picking through the grass. I watched the bunting for a couple more minutes. The bird was not disturbed by any passersby. I ran back to the end of the par course peninsula waving at the other birders to come back. I had made the mistake of thinking I had the bird at par course #14, but the bird was actually at #15 the whole time. There is no clue as to where the bird was spending the entire morning. While we watched the bunting, it walked around the edge of the rocks along the west side of the trail and then back to the grass and spent part of the time on the gravel trail. It was still there when we left at about 12:30 PM. Bob Richmond found the bunting in the afternoon on January 25. This is a second county record.

The directions to the San Leandro Marina Snow Bunting are as follows:

To reach San Leandro Marina, take the Marina Blvd. exit from Hwy 880 in San Leandro. Go west on Marina to the end. Here it will bend 90 degrees to the left, and the street changes its name to Bay Marina or something like that. Keep going on this road to the end (a gate will be across the road). Park in the parking area to the right. From this parking area a paved trail goes to the west along the bay but bends to the north fairly soon. A par course is along this trail. Follow this trail north along the edge of the bay to par course Station #15.

To see the male Mountain Bluebird go east from the south side of the same parking area to the gate at the end of the road and walk over to the pond with the reeds to the east. The male Mountain Bluebird was perched on some cables at the east side of this pond.

Mike Feighner, Livermore, California, Alameda County

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Re: Snow Bunting at San Leandro Marina
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 21:48:08 PST
From: Bob Richmond

I received an e-mail from Bill Bousman who went looking for the Snow Bunting late in the afternoon. He arrived there at 4:00 PM. Dave Weber was already looking at the bunting. Dave left at 4:15 PM. Bill stayed there 10 minutes longer. At 4:25 PM he left the Snow Bunting just as others arrived.


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Photos of Snow Bunting at San Leandro Marina
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 22:13:27 -0800
From: Joseph Morlan

The Snow Bunting was still present until dusk today. The light was difficult, but I obtained a few photos and have posted them with additional notes at:


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