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Burrowing Owl at Arrowhead Marsh, Oakland
Wed, 07 Jan 2004 05:14:05 -0800
From: Travis Hails

Yesterday about 4:30 PM, at Arrowhead Marsh (Martin Luther King Jr Regional Shoreline, Oakland), I saw a Burrowing Owl. It was not near the entrance road or other usual places.

I was on the path between the marsh and the new airport parking lot, near the southeast corner of the marsh, and as far from any parking as it is possible to get.

Standing with my back to the kiosk near the "H3" sign in the parking lot, and looking toward the "tan bridge" across the channel, the owl was on the green horizon, with pickleweed behind it, and in the far background, red shipping containers. It had been seen earlier by someone else, and was not initially visible on my arrival. Perhaps the herd of jackrabbits had caused a temporary absence.

I could not find it from the path along the channel, but it may be visible from there also, if it is visible at all.

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White-tailed Kites in Pleasanton
Wed, 07 Jan 2004 11:07:15 -0800
From: Larry Tunstall

I am forwarding this message to the list for Rich Cimino:

Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 09:30:37 -0800

Across the street from my home are three large and tall 35-year-old European Birch Trees. This morning at 7:30 AM, on the crown at various spots were seven ( 7 ) White -Tailed Kites. Can anyone explain (just for the fun of it) why the name was changed from Black Shouldered Kites to White Tailed Kite, other than the obvious white tail?

Rich Cimino

Posted to EBB by Larry Tunstall

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Editor's Note: The American bird was called the White-tailed Kite until it was "lumped" together as a single species with a very similar bird of Africa and Europe that had been known as the Black-shouldered Kite. Because the latter name had been assigned earlier, it became the official name of the new combined species. However, recently, on the basis of DNA studies and other evidence, it was decided that the two kinds of birds are indeed separate species, and therefore the official name of the American species reverted to its earlier White-tailed Kite. Expect a lot more changes as more DNA work is done in the near future.   --Larry

American Dipper still at Temescal Regional Recreation Area
Wed, 7 Jan 2004 15:21:00 -0800
From: Stephen Long

East Bay Birders,

Made a quick stop at Temescal Regional Recreation Area in Oakland yesterday morning on the way to the Sacramento Refuges. It was approximately 8:10 AM. Same experience as last time: Parked in the empty lot immediately adjacent to the wooden foot bridge; looked up-creek, seeing nothing; waited about 1 or 2 minutes; and there came the American Dipper. This represents the earliest I have gotten dipper for my year-list.

Regards and good birding,
Stephen Long
Oakland, CA

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Is Black-and-white Warbler still at Lake Merritt, Oakland?
Wed, 7 Jan 2004 19:21:11 -0800
From: Johan Langewis

Does anyone know if the Black-and-white Warbler is still present at Lake Merritt in Oakland? I explored around Children's Fairyland this morning and found the usual suspects including Townsend's Warblers and a possible Orange-crowned Warbler, but no Black-and-white Warbler.

Also, does anyone in the Oakland hills keep rainfall records? I live on Aitken Dr near Shepherd Canyon. I was out of town from Dec 26 to Jan 3 and when I got home my rain gauge was overflowing. If anyone has rainfall info for this area please let me know. Thanks,

Johan Langewis

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Re: Long-eared Owl still in eastern Alameda County
Wed, 7 Jan 2004 20:49:16 -0800
From: Steve Huckabone

Akira's photo clearly shows a Great Horned Owl. The bird in Akira's photo is a much larger bird and seems to be perched in completely different orientation than the bird I first found. The original bird showed the tawny-orange face and the stripe went from the ears down the inside of the face. My guess is the Long-eared Owl was driven off or I made a dreadful mistake. Maybe some of the others that saw the bird could comment on their observation.

Good birding.
Steve Huckabone
Alameda County
Livermore California

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I saw the Long-eared Owl
Thu, 08 Jan 2004 06:46:05 -0800
From: Dennis Rash�

I saw the Long-eared Owl the day after the notice was sent out. I haven't seen the photo someone took. I must have missed that e-mail. Could that photo please be re-posted, tell me where I can find it, or forward it to me. The owl I saw was more slender, lighter in color, and had much longer ear tufts than I have ever seen on a Great Horned Owl. In my mind, there was no mistaking this bird with another species.

I would sure like to see the picture and compare it to what I saw.

Thank you.
Dennis Rash�

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Editor's Note:  See Akira So's message of 6 January.

Black-and-white Warbler not found at Lake Merritt
Thu, 8 Jan 2004 14:03:07 -0800 (PST)
From: Bob Power

Happy New Year all,

No sign of the Black-and-white Warbler at Lake Merritt in Oakland. I was able to spot the continuing female Tufted Duck.

I had one decent mixed flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers, Oak Titmouses, American Robins, and House Wrens, but I couldn't spot any other warblers with the flock. I circled the kid's playland, walked in and out of the Bonsai Garden and surrounding area, and walked around the bocce ball playing area.

The Tufted Duck was in resting posture among a large group of Lesser Scaup, Ruddy Ducks, and Canvasbacks adjacent to and east of the islands. Scaup numbers have grown significantly in the last month with hundreds lining the southeast edge of the lake. The male Ring-necked Duck was also present.

Good Luck
Bob Power

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Yellow-bellied Sapsucker still at Tilden Nature Area
Thu, 8 Jan 2004 16:57:05 PST
From: Brian Fitch

I led a school field trip to Tilden Nature Area (Berkeley Hills) today, and just as we were getting started, the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker showed up in trees between the turnaround circle and the little pond below the farm, just north of the bus stop. Later, on the way to Jewel Lake, we saw a single White-throated Swift fly over. At the lake, the two Buffleheads and a female Common Goldeneye shared the lake with the snack-stealing Mallards.

Brian Fitch

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