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Wild Turkey in Berkeley Hills
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 17:40:37 -0800
From: Wen Hsu

I didn't think I would be as lucky as the other birders who reported sighting of Wild Turkeys in city streets. But, today at 5 PM, a civil Wild Turkey crossed Spruce St at the stop sign, walking downhill on Eunice St.

That can be considered a Berkeley Hills sighting, I think.

Wen Hsu

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Wild Turkeys on Sibley Ridge
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 19:54:47 PST
From: Mark Westlund

I've seen Wild Turkey scat, feathers, and wing-feather etchings (as happens when toms strut) in the fire trail on Sibley Ridge, above the California Shakespeare Festival theater. The birds are definitely out there.

Mark Westlund

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Wild Turkeys in Tilden Regional Park
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 21:16:53 -0800
From: Derek Heins

It took me a few messages to realize that some messages I've been receiving about turkeys were coming from the Grizzly Peak Bikers e-mail blast list and not East Bay Birds. Thought I would pass this one on.

Derek Heins

From: Mark Abrahams
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 8:47 PM
To: Grizzly Peak Bikers
Subject: Re: Turkeys in Tilden

Well, those turkeys move around. I saw a group of 4 walking along on Wildcat Canyonn Rd, somewhat above or below El Toyonal (don't remember which). Funny thing is, I don't remember whether I saw them yesterday, or last weekend. But yes, my thoughts also immediately turned to food ... for me, not for them ... :-)


Jim Rosenau wrote on February 23,

A new road hazard and/or food source: On Golf Course Road yesterday, between the golf course and Grizzly Peak, I followed 4 Wild Turkeys, staying within 10 feet of them much of the time. They seemed to expect hand outs from slowing cars and got even closer to open car windows than they did to me.

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Hooded Mergansers in Lafayette
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 10:53:03 -0800
From: Martha Breed

Today I saw 2 male and 3 female Hooded Mergansers on Las Trampas Creek adjacent to the Olympic Blvd staging area parking lot.

good birding,
Martha Breed

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Jury duty birding in Oakland
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 10:23:16 -0800
From: Bob Power

Hi all:

Superior court Jury duty in Oakland not only allows you to fulfill your civic responsibility, but a three-hour break allowed for a full tour of Lake Merritt and environs. The highlights were:

good birding,
Bob Power
Oakland Alameda Co

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Hooded Mergansers in Fremont
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 17:24:19 -0800
From: Don Lewis

This morning in Fremont there was a pair of Hooded Mergansers on Alameda Creek at the mouth of Niles Canyon, a few hundred yards upstream from the Old Canyon Road bridge, across from Vallejo Mill Historic Park (so it is marked on the maps, but there isn't much there).

Don Lewis
Lafayette, CA

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Indigo Bunting in Lafayette yard
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 12:26:43 -0800
From: Maury Stern

Twenty minutes ago there was an adult male Indigo Bunting at a seed feeder in my yard in Lafayette. If it continues to appear I will let you know.

Maury Stern

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