[EBB Sightings] Ross's Geese and Black Rails

[EBB Sightings] Ross's Geese and Black Rails

Eric Pilotte
Mon Mar 01 12:44:17 PST 2010
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    9 Ross's Geese were present this morning off of Nobel Drive in
    Fremont.  Standing at the SE corner of the walkway that parallels
    Nobel Drive, the birds were straight out past the gulls in front of
    the railroad tracks.  Other continuing birds in the area were
    Ferruginous Hawk, American Bittern, and Blue-winged Teal.  The gull
    show during weekday hours is amazing.  The highlight of my morning
    there was a Golden Eagle that flew in and landed for 15 minutes or so,
    during which seemingly every other bird lifted off the ground and
    nervously waited for the Eagle to leave.  A few of the many Ravens
    eventually escorted the Eagle out of the area.
    I heard 2 Black Rails this morning at Coyote Hills Regional Park along
    Patterson Ranch Road.  They were in the same locations described by
    Ken Schneider in his post from 2/25.  The bird on the north side of
    the road was closer to the road and more vocal, singing constantly
    from 6:15am until I left at 7:30am.
    Eric Pilotte,
    Benicia, CA

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