[EBB Sightings] Chabot Park

[EBB Sightings] Chabot Park

Debbi Brusco
Tue Mar 16 12:46:17 PDT 2010
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Nesting Chestnut-backed Chickadees
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    This morning's EBRPD Tuesdays for the Birds resulted in 47 species, by 
    my count. Notables:
    Red-shouldered Hawk nest in a Euc by the driveway intersection near the 
    parking area
    These were singing:
    Purple Finch
    Wilson's Warbler near the creek
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet
    Pacific-slope Flycatcher
    Orange-crowned Warbler
    Wing buzz of Selasphorus hummingbird (I assume Allens)
    Red-breasted Sapsucker
    Peregrine Falcon on a power tower near the overlook to Lake Chabot
    3 female Common Mergansers
    Tree Swallows
    A few of us had a bite at the bagel place on MacArthur afterwards, and 
    regretted not bringing our binocs to the patio in back, which overlooks 
    the creek. A couple of swifts flew overhead, and other birds were 
    flitting in the oaks, including a Townsend's Warbler. I also heard a 
    Downy Woodpecker whinny.
    Debbi Brusco

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