[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills black rail

[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills black rail

Zachary Baer
Mon Mar 01 09:25:01 PST 2010
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    Hi everyone,
    I heard the black rail yesterday morning (Feb. 28th) at approximately
    5:45. ?I first heard the bird as I was leaving the hedgerow that lines
    both sides of the road just past the kiosk. ?The bird was calling
    about 50 yards past where the hedgerow ends on the left (south side)
    of the road. ?It was calling in spurts about every 5 mins. ?As soon as
    first light hits the marsh really comes alive and it becomes much
    harder to hear the black rail. ?Other highlights included:
    Sora- several calling
    Virginia rail - same
    Pheasant - several calling and 2 seen
    Blue-gray gnatcatcher- heard in the brush leading up to the old quarry
    American Bittern - heard flying around pre-dawn
    Good birding,
    Zach Baer
    Berkeley, CA

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