[EBB Sightings] Coyote HIlls Black Rails and more

[EBB Sightings] Coyote HIlls Black Rails and more

Matthew Dodder
Sat Mar 06 16:16:51 PST 2010
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    I led my Palo Alto Adult School birding class to Coyote Hills  
    Regional Park in Fremont today. Some members were there at 6:30 to  
    hear three BLACK RAILS in the marsh beside the entrance road just  
    after the kiosk. Another two BLACK RAILS were heard along the marsh  
    walk that leads from the kiosk back toward the visitors center. All 5  
    Black Rails were calling repeatedly, some tantalizingly close to our  
    group. Also heard were  at least 2 VIRGINIA RAILS, and later a SORA  
    in the marsh across from the visitors center.
    The main pond across from the visitors center there were 3 BLUE- 
    WINGED TEAL (male and two females), A Selasphorus Hummingbird was  
    working the flowers near the garden, and a surprise GOLDEN-CROWNED  
    KINGLET made an appearance near the Ohlone Hut. Along the edges of  
    the walkway a FOX SPARROW was found.
    At Hoot Hollow there were two NORTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOWS foraging  
    high overhead, along with abundant TREE SWALLOWS and 1 or 2 BARN  
    SWALLOWS. A single HOUSE WREN was singing near the picnic tables  
    here. HERMIT THRUSH was heard in this area as well.
     From the hilltop we looked toward the distant pond and spotted a  
    GOLDEN EAGLE perched on the rock. We searched for Rock Wren in this  
    area as well, but were not successful. We did however, find 2 BLUE- 
    GRAY GNATCATCHERS in the dry chaparral slope beside the south parking  
    lot. The south pond contained a drake EURASIAN WIGEON.
    .  .  .
    Matthew Dodder
    Mountain View, CA

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