[EBB Sightings] Mew Gulls around the bay today

[EBB Sightings] Mew Gulls around the bay today

Tue Mar 02 18:00:22 PST 2010
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    To Ebbers;
    After the rain today at about 3 PM, I took a drive down to Golden Gate Fields Racetrack's back parking lot looking for gulls.  Much to my surprise, the flock of app. 200 birds had 40 Mew Gulls, along with California, Ring-billed, Western, and 1 Glaucous-Winged adult.  This is a location that I checked Monday, and there were no Mew Gulls to be found then.
    A quick check of Middle Harbor Regional Park also turned up 2 Mew Gulls on the lawn near the observation tower.
    I wonder if the storm drove them inland?  
    Golden Gate Field is located off of I80 in Albany, at the end of Gilman St.  Drive up the hill to the main parking lot, then bear left and down the hill to the large parking lot in the back.  This is adjacent to Buchanan Dr., but there is no access from there.
    Good birding,
    Pat Bacchetti

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