[EBB Sightings] Continuing birds at Lake Elizabeth, Fremont

[EBB Sightings] Continuing birds at Lake Elizabeth, Fremont

Stephanie Floyd
Mon Feb 22 20:46:49 PST 2010
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] First of season Allen's
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Northern Waterthrush at Aquatic Park, E-ville hummer nest

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    What a glorious day for a leisurely mid-day walk at Lake Elizabeth in Fremont! I found 47 species in three hours.  The snow goose, 16 greater white-fronted geese, 2 "minima" cackling geese, and an "Aleutian" cackling goose continue on the soccer lawn near New Marsh with the Canada geese. A 3rd "minima" cackling goose, the one with the broken wing, continues on the north side of the lake away from the rest.  A Say's phoebe and a loggerhead shrike were present at New Marsh where about 25 tree swallows were flying around and perching on the swallow boxes. 3 tree swallows were dive-bombing a male house sparrow that had moved in to a swallow box on the east side of the lake.  He was unmoved. The trees and banks of Duck Island were peppered with 80(!) black-crowned night herons. A couple of selasphorous hummingbirds were buzzing along the creek, and 2 continuing Allen's hummingbirds were in the red-flowering eucalyptus on the southwest side of the lake.
     Notably gone from the lake were the northern shovelers and the uncommon winter ducks (the common merganser and the canvasbacks).  
    Stephanie Floyd

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