[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt, Oakland - Sunday 20 Feb 2010 - Tufted Duck, Common Mergansers, Green Heron, Ospry etc.

[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt, Oakland - Sunday 20 Feb 2010 - Tufted Duck, Common Mergansers, Green Heron, Ospry etc.

Joseph Morlan
Sat Feb 20 15:29:20 PST 2010
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    Today I took my Ornithology class to Lake Merritt in Oakland.  We added
    three new species to our cumulative list going back to 1985:
    Common Merganser
    Green Heron
    There were at least five Common Mergansers all in female plumage except one
    immature male.
    The adult Green Heron was on a pipe between the islands.  Photo at:
    An Osprey flew over around 9AM, chased by a Glaucous-winged Gull. 
    We also saw the over-wintering male Tufted Duck at the duck feeding area.
    Photo at: http://fog.ccsf.edu/~jmorlan/tudu022010.htm
    Other birds of interest included a minima Cackling Goose and an adult
    Thayer's Gull. 
    Here is the full list:
    Location:     Lake Merritt
    Observation date:     2/20/10
    Number of species:     57
    Cackling Goose (minima)     1
    Canada Goose (Large)     50
    Muscovy Duck (Domestic type)     1
    Mallard     10
    Canvasback     30
    Ring-necked Duck     1
    Tufted Duck     1
    Greater Scaup     75
    Lesser Scaup     50
    Greater/Lesser Scaup     20
    Bufflehead     25
    Common Goldeneye     20
    Barrow's Goldeneye     3
    Common Merganser     5
    Ruddy Duck     25
    Pied-billed Grebe     3
    Eared Grebe     8
    Western Grebe     1
    Clark's Grebe     1
    American White Pelican     2
    Double-crested Cormorant     25
    Great Egret     1
    Snowy Egret     2
    Green Heron     1
    Black-crowned Night-Heron     8
    Osprey     1
    Red-tailed Hawk (Western)     1
    American Coot     75
    Mew Gull (American)     1
    Ring-billed Gull     120
    Western Gull     40
    Thayer's Gull     1
    Glaucous-winged Gull     55
    gull sp.     30
    Forster's Tern     2
    Rock Pigeon     75
    Anna's Hummingbird     3
    Belted Kingfisher     1
    Nuttall's Woodpecker     2
    Black Phoebe     1
    Hutton's Vireo     1
    Western Scrub-Jay (Coastal)     4
    American Crow     25
    Common Raven     1
    Chestnut-backed Chickadee     10
    Oak Titmouse     4
    Bushtit     6
    Bewick's Wren     1
    Ruby-crowned Kinglet     3
    Hermit Thrush     1
    American Robin     35
    European Starling     1
    Cedar Waxwing     200
    Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)     3
    California Towhee     6
    Song Sparrow     1
    White-crowned Sparrow (Puget Sound)     1
    Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)     8
    House Finch     10
    House Sparrow     20
    This report was generated automatically by eBird v2(http://ebird.org)
    Joseph Morlan, Pacifica, CA        jmorlan (at) ccsf.edu 
    SF Birding Classes start Feb.9     http://fog.ccsf.edu/jmorlan/
    California Bird Records Committee  http://www.californiabirds.org/
    Western Field Ornithologists       http://www.westernfieldornithologists.org/

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