[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt to Alameda Creek bike ride

[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt to Alameda Creek bike ride

Sun Feb 14 09:17:16 PST 2010
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    Jim Chiropolos and I had a nice ride Saturday morning (into the afternoon) from Lake Merritt down to Coyote Hills and then up Alameda Creek. We had many of the expected sightings but also a few nice surprises among the 102 species seen:
    * Tufted Duck, female Redhead and Coopers Hawk at Lake Merritt. Couldn't locate the Red-necked Grebe.
    * Purple Finch singing in the treetops near Children?s Fairyland
    * Only a couple Barrow's Goldeneyes in the channel near Laney College, but we picked up a couple more just north of Garretson Point.
    * Peregrine Falcon perched near the top of the south wide of the tower on the east end of Fruitvale Bridge. It was facing into the bridge as if attending a nest. 
    * Two pairs of Blue-winged Teal at Garretson Pt.
    * 3 White-winged Scoters just offshore of the San Leandro Marina
    * Common Moorhen in pond set between a housing development just north of San Lorenzo Creek
    * Burrowing Owl flushed shortly after finding Horned Larks (and American Pipits) in the customary location at Frank?s Dump. 
    * Golden Eagle at Coyote Hills
    * Two female Hooded Mergansers in San Leandro Creek just east of 880
    * White Throated Swifts above Niles.
    We didn't see any Curlews or Wimbrels, probably because of riding during the higher cycle of the tides.
    Derek Heins

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