[EBB Sightings] Garin Park, Hayward: birds and newt (Feb. 4th)

[EBB Sightings] Garin Park, Hayward: birds and newt (Feb. 4th)

Debbie and Tadd Ottman
Sat Feb 06 10:30:03 PST 2010
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    [I tried to send this last night, but... here it is finally
    I went for a walk / birding in Garin Park, Hayward this
    morning.  The park was wet and muddy from recent rains,
    but it was sunny and from the windmill area on the ridge,
    San Francisco and Oakland were clearly in view, including
    one of the Golden Gate Bridge towers (with the aid of
    There were a few birds worth mentioning.
    I saw a flock of VARIED THRUSH, 6, had visuals of 3 and the
    other 3 disappeared.  They flew up from the ground to mid
    level of a large tree in groups of 3, 2, 1 within 2 seconds.
    And one of the two BROWN CREEPERs I saw gave me a close,
    good view, including a fast outward push of the lower body
    and tail before it pooped.  This makes sense but is new for
    me to witness. One BROWN CREEPER had a more buffy supercilium
    and a less dark plumage on the back.  The other had a more
    darker overall plumage. I suppose this is just individual
    variation as plumage is supposed to be the same for both
    sexes in BRCR.
    The surprise of the day was a HAMMOND'S FLYCATCHER.
    It had a gray head, tear-drop eye ring, the lower mandible
    was almost all dark, (more dark gray in color than black),
    a bit lighter color near the base, but not flesh color as
    WESTERN FLYCATCHER's, nor only dark tip.  Lighter color
    on the throat but not yellow.  Overall, it had a "smaller
    bird" appearance to me.  I extracted a HAMMOND's FLYCATCHER
    last week (on Jan. 27) in Coyote Creek Field Banding Station
    in Alviso.  That bird was first banded one month ago and
    recaptured last week (in the same area).  So, we do have
    wintering HAFL in the Bay area, and it is nice to know
    that they are in the East Bay as well.  I last saw a HAFL
    in Garin a few years ago in July.
    An adult RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER was working on a tall
    leafless cottonwood (?) tree near Jordon's Pond. I didn't
    see any ducks except COOTs and a pair of courting
    MALLARDs, they did the head bobbing dance.
    Other birds seen were the usual suspects for this time
    of the year: crowned sparrows (golden and white),
    finches (house and lesser), Bewick's wren, western blue
    birds, oak titmouse, phoebe: Say's and black, ruby
    crowned kinglet, bushtit, etc.
    I didn't see a raptor except a WESTERN SCRUBJAY imitating
    the call of a RED-TAILED HAWK.  It was pretty good!
    A 100 feet or so from the stream, I saw a bright orange
    brown color NEWT.  I took pictures of it with my cell phone
    camera.  I concluded from images available on the net that
    it was a California Newt, the Sierra Newt subspecies.  It
    was a great looking newt.
    Debbie Wong

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