[EBB Sightings] Mines Rd - San Antonio Valley Rd

[EBB Sightings] Mines Rd - San Antonio Valley Rd

Glen Tepke
Sun Feb 28 21:35:08 PST 2010
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Allen's Hummingbird building nest; Redwood RP
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] American Bittern, Ferruginous hawk continue

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    Highlights of a circuit of Mines Road in Alameda County south of 
    Livermore, and San Antonio Valley Rd in Santa Clara County east of San 
    Jose today:
    Mines Rd -
    Eurasian Collared Dove (OK, not really a highlight) - 2 - mp 1.3
    Phainopepla - 2 - mp 10.45
    San Antonio Valley -
    Lewis's Woodpecker - 2 - about 1.3 miles south of junction with Del 
    Puerto Canyon Rd, mostly on the west side of the road
    Wood Duck - 3 - pond about 1.6 miles south of junction
    Greater Roadrunner - 1 - about 6 miles south and west of junction (13 
    miles east of summit of Mt. Hamilton), where road first climbs out of 
    oak-pine habitat into chaparral.
    We spent some time searching for Rufous-crowned Sparrow, Sage Sparrow, 
    and Lawrence's Goldfinch in places where one might expect to find them, 
    but struck out on those.
    Good birding.
    Glen Tepke
    Martijn Verdoes
    Menlo Park

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