[EBB Sightings] Emeryville Palm Warbler Missing and Lake Merritt

[EBB Sightings] Emeryville Palm Warbler Missing and Lake Merritt

Donald Lewis
Tue Feb 02 14:25:06 PST 2010
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    Five of us searched for an hour, 9-10 AM Tuesday, for the Palm Warbler 
    in and around Doyle/Hollis Park in Emeryville without finding it.
    At Lake Merritt, the continuing male Tufted Duck was easily found at 2 
    PM by the nature center (where people feed ducks). Male and female 
    Barrow's Goldeneyes were present in the center of the lake, best seen 
    with a scope.
    Don Lewis
    Lafayette, CA
    donlewis at comcast.net 

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