[EBB Sightings] Don Castro RP

[EBB Sightings] Don Castro RP

Emily Serkin
Sat Jan 02 10:09:50 PST 2010
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] White-Throated Swifts, Golden Eagles, Cooper's Hawk, Etc.: Calaveras Rd.
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    Hi Birders.
    Thought I'd check out Don Castro, in Hayward, yesterday; and though there wasn't anything unusual there, it was fairly lively.
    On the water were RING-NECKED DUCKS, GREEN HERON, GREATER SCAUP, and a WESTERN x GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL.? Also Pied-billed Grebes, Mallards, Canvasbacks, Great Blue Heron, and Snowy Egret.
    Land birds included a flock of CEDAR WAXWINGS, BROWN CREEPERS, DOWNY WOODPECKER, HERMIT THRUSH, as well as lots of Yellow-rumps, crowned and Song Sparrows, Robins, Lesser Goldfinches, Wrentits, and Bewick's Wren.
    A Great Blue Heron was high up in a eucalyptus tree, which I assume means it had nesting in mind?? Also, one of the Canvasbacks and one of the Ring-neckeds paddled the water before diving for food -- something I'd not seen before.
    There's a nice wooded path that goes around the far side of the lake (across the lake from the parking area) and along a part of San Lorenzo Creek.
    I had a total of 38 species in about two hours.
    Directions to the park are on the EBRPD website.
    Good birding in 2010!
    Emily Serkin
    Castro Valley

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