[EBB Sightings] Mystery Sparrow, Coyote Hills

[EBB Sightings] Mystery Sparrow, Coyote Hills

Joseph Dodge
Wed Jan 27 23:01:44 PST 2010
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    I had a very fruitful morning at Coyote Hills (of course, they're all fruitful there) despite fairly thick fog that just began to thin out when I left around noon.  57 species total.  I covered multiple areas of the park, from the Quarry parking lot to the Bayview Trail to the Visitors Center to up on top of the hills, but could only check a few ponds closely due to flooding.  Highlights included many White Tailed Kites, 2 doing acrobatic dives, 2 Loggerhead Shrikes (one right at the Quarry Parking Lot, the other overlooking the Bay, unless they were the same), a posing Great Blue Heron blocking the trail, and at least 1 Blue Gray Gnatcatcher.  Unfortunately, struck out on the Rock Wren, as always.
    Anyway, I saw one mystery bird.  In an area heavy with Savannah Sparrows was one that didn't belong.  It was about the same size, with shortish tail, tan/orange coloring on the upper chest and neck, and some kind of white patch or stripe on the top of its head.  My glasses kept fogging up and the visibility was a bit difficult, so I don't have much more to say, other than that the face and back appeared fairly dark (but without a pattern I could discern), and that there was no cobvious streaking on the chest.  I was hoping for a perfect match in my Sibleys' based on these observations, but alas.  It generally clung to tall grasses and short shrubs before it disappeared above the trail.  The closest match is probably a Nelson's Sharp-tail Sparrow, but this would obviously be a rarity and I won't claim it.  Grasshopper maybe as they summer here.  Bunting unlikely as the tail was too short.  Any ideas or second looks would be appreciated.  The area I saw it
     in will require some hiking or biking.  If you take the Bay View trail counterclockwise from the visitor's center, you'll come around to nice views of the Bay.  About 1/4-1/2 mile south of an "official" overlook is the area I saw the bird in, unfortunately there are no other distinguishing landmarks as it's mostly grassy hills.
    Anyway, it was a real treat to spend a rare weekday out in a beautiful place, and eventually see some sun.  Good birding, everybody.
    Jay Dodge

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