[EBB Sightings] Eastern Alameda County - CBC tally

[EBB Sightings] Eastern Alameda County - CBC tally

Richard Cimino
Sat Dec 19 10:54:30 PST 2009
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    Good Morning ,
    The  EAC-CBC tally is being massaged into a summary by Dave Bowden,  the
     90 %  of the 29 section count summaries where turned in during last night
    post count dinner attended by 50 + birders.
    The species count is at 146 species.
    One early highlight ( yet to be reviewed ) is up to 17 Golden Eagles in the
    Sunol - Ohlone region alone. (!)
    Yellowbilled Magpie volume number is lower than hoped.
    Thanks to all the 70 + birders that showed up and enjoyed the wonderful
    weather, the friendship, the birds, access into locked gated areas, good
    wine's and a great dinner.
    This is the first EAC - CBC so we're somewhat proud of the event actually
    coming together after months planning.
    The dinner could not have been more perfectly presented without the
    involvement of  Jessie Raeder River Activist and Program Development
    Director of the Toulumne River Trust = Thanks Jessie.
    Special thanks to my to long bud Jeff Miller visionary / founder and Ex.
    Director of Alliance Creek Alliance - with Jeff's visionary leadership
    Steelhead will return into the Alameda Creek Watershed 
    Also to crazy insane while being intensely acute,  Dave Bowden for being
    always available to hit the enter key and have information flow.
    We wish all the area CBC's great sucess,
    Richard Cimino
    Ohlone Audubon , Pleasanton.
    rscimino at earthlink.net
    Birding is fun and educational + it gets us out and away from the TV remote!

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