[EBB Sightings] Shadowcliffs Tuesday

[EBB Sightings] Shadowcliffs Tuesday

Steve and Carol Lombardi
Wed Dec 09 06:53:06 PST 2009
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    Tuesday was cold but beautiful at Shadowcliffs Park in Pleasanton. We dipped 
    on the Hooded Mergansers, but saw most of the other usual species.
          Canada Goose
          Ring-necked Duck
          Lesser Scaup
          Common Goldeneye
          Ruddy Duck
          Pied-billed Grebe
          Horned Grebe
          Western Grebe
          Double-crested Cormorant
          Great Blue Heron
          Turkey Vulture
          Red-tailed Hawk
          Buteo sp.
          Common Moorhen
          American Coot
          Mourning Dove
          Anna's Hummingbird
          Belted Kingfisher
          Sapsucker sp.
          Nuttall's Woodpecker
          Northern Flicker
          Black Phoebe
          Western Scrub Jay
          American Crow
          Oak Titmouse
          White-breasted Nuthatch
          Bewick's Wren
          Ruby-crowned Kinglet
          Hermit Thrush
          Northern Mockingbird
          California Thrasher
          Yellow-rumped Warbler
          California Towhee
          Song Sparrow
          White-crowned Sparrow
          Golden-crowned Sparrow
          Red-winged Blackbird
          House Finch
          Lesser Goldfinch

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