[EBB Sightings] about the turkeys

[EBB Sightings] about the turkeys

David Brostoff
Thu Dec 10 18:58:52 PST 2009
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    At 4:46 PM -0800 on 12/7/09, Phila Rogers wrote:
    >Thanks, everyone, for your responses.  It appears that in most 
    >areas, turkeys are still abundant though several people, like 
    >myself, have not seen them for a while.
    A large flock previously frequented the U.C. Berkeley Smyth-Fernwald 
    housing complex, at Dwight and Hillside, and adjacent areas, but I 
    haven't seen or heard them around there for about a year.
    P.S. I wondered why the responses to Phila's post were not appearing 
    on the list. Then when I replied myself I saw why that may be--my 
    reply was addressed to Phila, not the list. Is that the way things 
    are supposed to work?

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