[EBB Sightings] Peregrine Falcons, Red-breasted Mergansers, Rock Wrens and more

[EBB Sightings] Peregrine Falcons, Red-breasted Mergansers, Rock Wrens and more

Charlotte Allen
Tue Nov 17 17:49:44 PST 2009
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    I'm posting this for Alice Hoch, who has technical difficulties  
    posting to this list.
    My birding class had a great morning! At Arrowhead Marsh (MLK  
    Regional Shoreline) we watched 2 Peregrine Falcons going after a  
    Northern Harrier. The Harrier disappeared and a Red-tailed Hawk came  
    after the Peregrines. Then we turned our attention to 2 White-tailed  
    Kites, 1 displaying. Later Ken (a great birder from Oakland whose  
    last name I don't remember) pointed out an Osprey flying with a fish  
    in its talons. While at the marsh we also had at least 4 American  
    Pipits (conveniently in the same binocular view with Western  
    Meadowlarks), male Yellowthroats, Marsh Wrens, a Clapper Rail, and a  
    ray (perhaps a Bat Ray).
    At Crab Cove and Ballena Bay (Alameda Island) we watched a Rock Wren,  
    at least 4 Black Turnstones, 2 Red-breasted Mergansers, a Black  
    Oystercatcher, and a Spotted Sandpiper.
    Today we saw 4 Grebe species (missing only the Eared Grebe). Our  
    morning's total was 51 species in 3 hours.
    I had also seen the Rock Wren yesterday (11/16). Yesterday it was in  
    the rocks on Ballena Bay. Today it was in the rocks at Crab Cove. In  
    the past I have seen a Rock Wren at Arrowhead Marsh and at the Don  
    Edwards SF Bay National Wildlife Refuge... in places where I did not  
    expect them. Such sightings make birding ever interesting.
    Today's Rock Wren was spotted by keen-eyed, 9 year old A.J. Lim, who  
    just started birding 5 weeks ago.
    Great Birding to you!
    Alice Hoch

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