[EBB Sightings] Palm Warbler etc....

[EBB Sightings] Palm Warbler etc....

Fri Nov 13 17:37:49 PST 2009
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    Greetings all,
        I made a trip to Oakland this morning to look for the Palm Warbler, and 
    found it in the pine trees directly behind KTVU's building, which is North 
    along the walkway from the flagpole near D'Anna Yacht Sales.  Interesting to 
    me was the fact that a Cooper's Hawk flew into that same tree as I was 
    looking for the birds which flittering among the limbs.  The Cooper's Hawk 
    saw my movement as I tried to get a better view of it, and flushed out 
    heading North along the waterfront walking path.  A few minutes later the 
    Palm Warbler landed in the top of the same pine tree, right out in the open 
    for some wonderful views.  Again he chased  Yellow-rumped Warblers out of 
    his tree.  Eventually the Palm Warbler landed on the ground and bounded 
    about pecking and eating for quite awhile, until some bike riders came by 
    and flushed him away.  This occurred around 9:30AM.
        I also found a Wandering Tattler among the rocks at the waters edge 
    opposite the green grass field South of the flagpole area.  I was able to 
    get within about 40 feet or so of the WT before he would move away.  It was 
    a very pleasant surprise to see him bobbing about as he seemed to feed at 
    the waters edge.
    Sightings included:
    Pied-billed Grebe
    Western Grebe
    Brown Pelican
    Numerous Gulls
    Cooper's hawk
    Golden-crowned Sparrows
    White-crowned Sparrows
    Yellow-rumped Warblers;   Audubon and Myrtle's
    Anna's Hummingbirds
        I then headed towards the Berkeley area along the waterfront, where the 
    beautiful, calm, warm morning brought forth some more birds.  I met John 
    Brenneman there and he pointed out the Surfbirds to me.
    Double-crested Cormorant
    Great Egret
    Snowy Egret
    Clark's Grebe
    Pied-billed Grebes
    Western Grebe
    Horned Grebe
    Surf Scoter
    Black Oystercatcher
    Numerous Gulls
    Black Bellied Plovers
    Black Turnstones
    Least Sandpipers
    Western Sandpipers
        And finally near the racetrack at the Albany Bulb area, where there were 
    hundreds of Avocets and some Long-billed Curlews digging in the exposed 
    mudflats.  A few American Wigeons, a few Northern Shovelers, and some 
    Mallards were in the water channel preening about also.
    Best Birding,
    Paul Brenner

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