[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills today

[EBB Sightings] Coyote Hills today

Stephanie Floyd
Wed Nov 04 16:44:25 PST 2009
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Eurasian Wigeon
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    A PEREGRINE FALCON was near the top of the electrical tower closest to the entry kiosk at Coyote Hills RP mid-morning today. 
    An ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER, a FOX SPARROW, and a HOUSE WREN were in the butterfly garden, which was aflutter with bathing and foraging birds.
    HERMIT THRUSHES, often in pairs, and RUBY-CROWNED KINGLETS seemed to be everywhere - near the visitor center, in the garden, at Hoot Hollow, and at Quarry.  Two NORTHERN FLICKERS flew around and vocalized at Hoot Hollow.
    A SHARP-SHINNED HAWK flew east from the rocks above the Quarry parking lot. A GOLDEN EAGLE circled over Dairy Glen. At least two BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHERS were "pwee-ing" from the coyotebush on the hillside above the small marsh just out the Bayview Trail from the Quarry parking lot.  A LINCOLN'S SPARROW was in the fennel across the trail.  Two SAY'S PHOEBES interacted over South Marsh.
    I walked the short distance to the bay on the No Name Trail.  In the early afternoon, 47 SNOWY EGRETS and 27 GREAT EGRETS were lined up on the levee by the pumping station (or whatever it is; it's a fishy place, hence the birds), and over 100 AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS and a single BROWN PELICAN, as well as many shorebirds, were on a connecting levee that stretches out into the bay. Two FOS BONAPARTE'S GULLS were in the lagoon among dozens of other gulls.
    A perfect day - sunny, warm, no wind - and I saw about 50 species in a few hours.
    Stephanie Floyd

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