[EBB Sightings] Eurasian Collared-Doves Invading the Livermore Area

[EBB Sightings] Eurasian Collared-Doves Invading the Livermore Area

Art Edwards
Wed Nov 04 12:58:53 PST 2009
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    Eurasian Collared-Doves are continuing to expand their range in the Livermore area.
    Originally settling in rural areas, they are now moving into residential areas.
    My first sighting dates for various locations follow:
    2006  August 12         Mines Road 0.3 (Murrieta's Well)        2
    2007  May 26            Mines Road 0.3                          1 juvenile
    2007  March 21          Mines Road 1.65 (Almond orchard)        1 heard
    2007  April 1           Mines Road 1.65                         1
    2007  October 26        Mines Road 1.3 (Pumpkin patch)          7
    2008  May 31            Tesla Road 4.6                          3
    2008  November 8        Cross Road                              3
    2008  December 13       Mines Road 1.3                          25
    2009  January 1         Mines Road 1.3                          35
    2009  May 2             Mines Road 0.7                          3
    2009  May 25            Broadmoor Street, north of Scenic Ave.  1
    2009  August 8          Patterson Pass Road and Midway Road     1
    2009  August 21         McLeod and 7th Street                   1
    2009  October 31        Buena Vista Ave. (south of East Avenue  2
    2009  October 17        Dagnino Road (north of Springtown)      3
    2009  October 17        Kelso Road, east of Mountain House Rd.  3
    Art Edwards

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