[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh Clapper Rail and Peregrine Falcon Hunting Action (pictures)

[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh Clapper Rail and Peregrine Falcon Hunting Action (pictures)

Harjeet Singh
Sun Nov 29 12:24:17 PST 2009
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    Spent yesterday morning from 8 to 11AM at Arrowhead marsh. The patience of
    waiting for tide to recede paid off as I saw 4 Clapper Rails and a SORA. The
    combine Clapper Rails call is an experience in itself and I can bet that
    there were at least 8-10 different location from where the calls were
    Later a saw a pair of Peregrine Falcon hunt what seemed to be a Dowticher to
    me. One of the falcon's grabbed the prey in flight and then flew away.
    Some of the pictures are posted here.
    -harjeet singh.
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