[EBB Sightings] No White-winged scoters..

[EBB Sightings] No White-winged scoters..

Alan Howe
Mon Nov 23 16:27:10 PST 2009
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      I went down to Alameda this morning--a bit after 10:00--and searched for quite a while, but found no white-winged. I did see plenty of surf scoters (and got a bit confused by the females--from a distance I thought maybe I saw my quary).
      Just as I was leaving the area near the Hornet, I looked south toward the regional shoreline and caught a glimpse of what I think was probably a belted kingfisher. It was a very short glimpse, but my first reaction/thought was that it was green. I'm assuming belted, since a green would be extremely unusual. I searched under the pilings with my binocs, but saw nothing more of the bird.
      Others seen:\
    Brown pelican,
    great blue heron,
    great egret,
    greater scaup,
    double-crested cormorant,
    black oystercatcher,
    western gull,
    least sandpiper--1 alone foraging on the north breakwater of the lagoon,
    rock dove,
    black phoebe,
    white-crowned sparrow,
    grebes, horned and western--I think.
      There were a number of sea lions in the lagoon and out toward the docked ships. They were frequenting areas where the pelicans and others congregated, so I'm assuming there were some fish out there in the lagoon.
    One pelican started to dive on someathing in the water, only to pull up as a sea lion appeared. Either the bird thought the sea lion was something to eat, or the sea lion got to the prey first.
      A nice noontime--sun, nice views of San Francisco.
    Alan Howe
    North Oakland

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