[EBB Sightings] Eastshore State Park (Albany/Cezar Chavez)

[EBB Sightings] Eastshore State Park (Albany/Cezar Chavez)

Dominik Mosur
Sun Nov 22 22:43:36 PST 2009
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    Had the privilege to bird with Daniel Edelstein's "Ornithology"  class(Merrit College) at the Albany entrance to Eastshore State Park for much of today (8:30a.m. - 1:45 p.m.), finishing up at Cezar Chavez Park (2-4:45p.m.)
    A total of 68 species were noted from the Albany section, 10 more added at Cezar Chavez. 
    Some of the highlights at the Albany/Buchanon entrance to Eastshore:
    11 species of ducks including- 
    Green-winged Teal
    American Wigeon
    Northern Pintail 
    Northern Shoveler
    Surf Scoter
    Ruddy Duck
    Sharp-shinned Hawk
    Cooper's Hawk
    Peregrine Falcon
    14 species of shorebirds -
    Black-bellied Plover
    Semipalmated Plover
    American Avocet
    Greater Yellowlegs
    Spotted Sandpiper
    Long-billed Curlew
    Marbled Godwit
    Dunlin (1 bird in full alternate plumage, black belly/rusty back!)
    Western/Least Sandpiper
    Dowitcher sp.( 4 basic plumage, showing many features of Long-billed, rounded back, long bill, straight supercilium, but never heard calling)
    5 species of gull and Forster's Tern
    Belted Kinfisher
    American Pipits
    Western Meadowlarks
    Hermit Thrush (calling from stand of Myoporum)
    Orange-crowned Warbler (in exotic plantings near heron statue)
    Red-winged Blackbird (female, only one seen all day, with crowned sparrow flock)
    The sign at the marsh overlook of Buchanon Street where the class studied shorebirds informs its readers that "11 species" of shorebird have been seen from that spot at one time. Looks like its time for an update.
    In the afternoon those who stuck with the group all the way to Cesar Chavez park were rewarded with looks at continuing (3) BURROWING OWLS, Horned/Eared/Western/Clark's Grebes, COMMON LOON.
    After the class took off I followed some chips around the marina parking lot across from Cesar Chavez and found a little CB Chickadee/Bushtit/RC Kinglet flock that also had an adult male TOWNSEND'S WARLBER tagging along.
    Good birding,
    Dominik Mosur

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