[EBB Sightings] Wood Duck/Alameda Cr. in Sunol Area, Alameda Co.

[EBB Sightings] Wood Duck/Alameda Cr. in Sunol Area, Alameda Co.

Daniel Edelstein
Wed Sep 23 22:42:55 PDT 2009
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    Wood Duck/Alameda Cr. in Sunol Area, ~ Calaveras Rd., Alameda Co., 9/23/09
    Today, on Alameda Creek, just south of Calaveras Rd. and two miles east of I-680, I heard a couple of 
    WOOD DUCK in a perennial reach of this stream.
    (As background, some of you may have the checklist for this area: "Livermore Birds: locations and calendar," (Aug. 16, 2000).......and in it, on p.3 of 17, the 
    WOOD DUCK is designated as "uncommon" in terms of "seasonal abundance" as a year-round resident in the county.)
    Regards, and happy birding, 
    Daniel Edelstein
    Novato, CA (Bay Area)
    Ellison Bay, WI
    My two blogs:
    (my blog devoted to wood-warblers)
    (my blog focused on classes I teach at 
    Merritt College in Oakland, CA, including my next
    one that begins in 11/09)
    12 Kingfisher Court
    Novato, CA 94949-6628 USA
    415-382-1827 (voice & DSL fax)

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