Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Friday morning at Jewel Lake
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Mt. Diablo Audubon Society had a scheduled field trip to Tilden RP this morning. There were numerous flocks of passerines and other birds at the parking lot, Pack Rat Trail, and Jewel Lake areas.
Highlights included a pair of Cooper's Hawks with at least one young still begging from around the nest area in the higher area of the Pack Rat trail. One of the Cooper's Hawks got buzzed later by a Sharp-Shinned Hawk while soaring over Wildcat Canyon. Pacific-slope Flycatcher was with a group of Chestnut-backed Chickadees, Hutton's and Warbling Vireos, Townsend"s and Hermit Warblers and Bewick's Wren. We also heard a Winter Wren in the Boardwalk area; Red-breasted Nuthatches and Brown Creepers were at the north end of Jewel Lake in deeply-shadowed conifers. We also saw a Black-throated Grey Warbler, many Wilson's Warblers, and a female Black-headed Grosbeak.
Good Birding,
Maury Stern
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