[EBB Sightings] Migrants at Joaquin Miller Park

[EBB Sightings] Migrants at Joaquin Miller Park

Ken Schneider
Sat Sep 19 10:55:38 PDT 2009
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    I birded Joaquin Miller Park this morning before work (9/16).  I found a
    nice, mixed flock of insectivores on the hill just west of the Woodminster
    Memorial Theater, with Bushtits, Chestnut-backed Chickadees and several
    presumed migrants including two Townsend's Warblers (FOS for me), one male
    Wilson's Warbler, one Yellow Warbler and a Warbling Vireo.  There is a nice
    juicy brush pile just up the hill from the public restrooms there - I only
    spotted Oregon Juncos, California Towhees and House Finches in the brush
    pile this morning, but it looks like it might be a good spot to find
    wintering sparrows in the near future.  I hope it doesn't get "cleaned up"!
    Ken Schneider
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