[EBB Sightings] Still some openings in East Bay birding classes!

[EBB Sightings] Still some openings in East Bay birding classes!

Robert Lewis
Tue Sep 15 12:05:41 PDT 2009
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    The Fall quarter is starting at Albany Adult School, the SF Arboretum and
    Golden Gate Audubon, and there are still some openings in the fall classes.
    Check http://www.goldengateaudubon.org/html/speakerclass/classes.htm for Bay
    Area Birds (AAS), Beginning Birding (AAS), Shorebird Migration (GGAS), North
    American Owls (GGAS)and Wild Birds of SF SFA).  All these classes still have
    openings.  Denise Wight's Beginning Birding by Ear (AAS) is full, but there
    might still be room in her October Birding by Ear class (AAS).
    Signups for Albany Adult School classes are at
    http://www.albany.k12.ca.us/adult, and for other classes are through the
    GGAS office at 510-843-2222.  Additional detail for some of the classes can
    also be found at http://www.wingbeats.org/classes/classes.htm .
    Bob Lewis
    Berkeley, CA

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