[EBB Sightings] Warblers in Emeryville

[EBB Sightings] Warblers in Emeryville

Robert Lewis
Sun Sep 13 20:49:52 PDT 2009
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] American Redstart at Emeryville Marina
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Redstart continues at Emeryville

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    Prodded by Judith Dunham's resighting of Jim Chiropolas and Derek Heins'
    American Redstart, I went over to Emeryville this afternoon.  Following
    Judith's details, I soon found the redstart behind the second restroom, near
    the sign for pier #2.  Also present, moving from the alders(?) to the nearby
    pines and back, were 1 Black-throated Gray Warbler, 2 Yellow Warblers and 1
    Orange-crowned Warbler.  The redstart appeared to me to be a first-year
    male, with quite definite orange breast-sides.
    I also tried for Denise's American Redstart in Contra Costa county, but
    dipped.  Did come across a Common Yellowthroat along the Bay Trail at 51st
    for a 5 warbler day, though.
    Bob Lewis
    Berkeley, CA

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