[EBB Sightings] Young yard birds

[EBB Sightings] Young yard birds

Hilary Powers
Thu Jul 02 19:32:48 PDT 2009
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    Debbi Brusco wrote:
    > I also saw a Black Phoebe in the yard  ... had brought a young one
    > which was on a different branch. The young one was lighter and was a
    > little streaky on the breast. ... It sometimes flew away from the
    > adult. The adult flew to a tree in the back, and the young one flew
    > from wherever it was to join it, perching right next to it. That may
    > be only the second time I've seen two Phoebes together.
    Last year - or maybe it was the year before - on one of the Lake Merritt 
    bird walks, we saw a phoebe family parked on the fence around the 
    bowling green: several youngsters sitting a few feet apart while mama 
    hunted bugs. Instead of all black, their back and upper wing feathers 
    were black edged with chestnut, giving them a wonderfully scaly look....
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