[EBB Sightings] Alameda Creek-Coyote Hills GGAS bicycle trip-Sat Jun 27

[EBB Sightings] Alameda Creek-Coyote Hills GGAS bicycle trip-Sat Jun 27

kathy jarrett
Sat Jun 27 16:50:02 PDT 2009
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    Alameda Creek/Coyote Hills GGAS bicycle trip
    Saturday, June 27, 2009
    10 people, seven of whom arrived by BART.
    Highlights: White Pelicans, Red-Shouldered Hawks; Bottlebrush
    tree at Coyote Hills Visitor Center with Bullocks Orioles as we ate our lunch
    Downers: Squirrel running into a bicycle and causing
    a fall; afternoon high of approximately 90 degrees; BART police action at
    Bayfair Station in the morning with BART police entering a train with guns
    drawn, causing a delay for all and scare for those on that particular train.
    51 species 
    Pied-billed Grebe
    Western Grebe
    American White Pelican
    Double-crested Cormorant
    Great Blue Heron
    Great Egret
    Snowy Egret
    Green Heron
    Canada Goose
    American Wigeon
    Turkey Vulture
    White-tailed Kite
    Red-shouldered Hawk
    Red-tailed Hawk
    Common Moorhen
    American Coot
    Black-necked Stilt
    American Avocet
    Greater Yellowlegs
    Dowitcher sp.
    California Gull
    Forster's Tern
    Rock Pigeon (I)
    Mourning Dove
    Anna's Hummingbird
    Nuttall's Woodpecker
    Northern Flicker, red-shafted
    Black Phoebe
    Tree Swallow
    Cliff Swallow
    Barn Swallow
    Western Scrub-Jay
    American Crow
    Chestnut-backed Chickadee
    Bewick's Wren
    Marsh Wren
    American Robin
    Northern Mockingbird
    European Starling (I)
    California Towhee
    Song Sparrow
    Red-winged Blackbird
    Brown-headed Cowbird
    Bullock's Oriole
    House Finch
    Lesser Goldfinch
    House Sparrow (I)
    Chilean Flamingo

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