[EBB Sightings] UC Botanical Gardens - Olive-sided Flycatcher

[EBB Sightings] UC Botanical Gardens - Olive-sided Flycatcher

Richard Cimino
Tue Jun 23 15:32:47 PDT 2009
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    Marilyn Trabert of Walnut Creek lead several birder's on a walk into
    several different continent's -  based on plant life.
    Many Lesser Goldfinches, Robin's, Black-headed Grosbeaks and Brown Creepers
    had completed nesting so the gardens were very active.
    Probably best bird's of the day were a Olive-sided Flycatcher and a male
    and female of Yellow Warbler.
    Later in the morning we meet a garden employee Christ Christopher  he told
    us that there are two maybe three Olive-sided Flycatcher's are in the
    He also told us that a pair of Hooded Oriole's had successfully raised a
    brood and all were seen near the Fan Palm's area before we arrived.
    Everyone had a good time birding.
    Richard Cimino
    rscimino at earthlink.net
    Da Pacem Cordium

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